More than 250 people attended the 2017 Florida College Access and Success Summit, and a good number of them had plenty to say. (And tweet!)

This year’s theme was “Breaking Barriers,” and the event served as a wonderful opportunity for professionals from multiple sectors — including business and community leaders, K-12 educators and counselors, postsecondary administrators, and more — to learn about new resources, network with colleagues, and share best practices in their efforts to improve college access and success for all Floridians.

In order to help convey some of the sights and sounds of our summit earlier this month, we’ve created a Storify item that includes pictures and videos from the event. We’ve also collected social media posts from summit attendees and other well-wishers who shared their thoughts (and their pics) throughout the course of the two-day event, which included more than 25 sessions centered around breaking down barriers to student success.

Click here to view our Storify story on the summit.


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