~While Advanced Placement has received more attention and funding, a new report says Dual Enrollment deserves a closer look~
Tampa, FL- A new report released today indicates Dual Enrollment is equally effective as Advanced Placement (if not more so) in preparing Florida high school students for success in college. In the report, ENLACE Florida compares the participation, college continuation, and college-readiness rates of Florida high school graduates taking an Advanced Placement course their senior year with graduates taking a Dual Enrollment course their senior year. According to the analysis, 78% of limited-income high school graduates who took at least one Dual Enrollment course their senior year, immediately enrolled in college following graduation without the need for remediation; For limited-income graduates who took at least one AP course their senior year, 61% immediately entered college without the need for remediation. “With the recent passage of Senate Bill 4 which rightfully raises high school graduation requirements for all students, the future of acceleration programs in Florida should no longer be rooted in simple access, but in how well students perform in these courses and the level to which such programs prepare our students for college success,” said Braulio Colón, Interim Director for ENLACE Florida. “The findings in this report suggests that it’s time for Florida to become more intentional about diversifying student participation in other acceleration programs that prove to be just as effective as AP,” said Colón. To read the full report, click here.