Who We Are

Florida College Access Network (FCAN) leads the collaborative movement to ensure every Floridian achieves an education beyond high school and a rewarding career.  We envision a Florida working together where education is the pathway to economic mobility for all.

Seven Conditions that Create a Resilient Workforce
and Spark Economic Mobility

FCAN promotes policies and practices that hold the greatest promise to achieving our mission.  FCAN’s Seven Conditions that Create a Resilient Workforce and Spark Economic Mobility guide our work and provide a lens through which to identify opportunities to achieve Florida’s talent goals.

    1. Opportunity for Everyone: All Floridians need access to education after high school and the supports to complete.
    2. Clear information and guidance: Students of all ages and their families need exposure and counseling early and often to make informed decisions about their futures.
    3. Affordability: Postsecondary education needs to be within everyone’s financial reach.
    4. Multiple pathways to success: Floridians benefit from multiple learning opportunities for academic achievement and career advancement.
    5. Lifelong learning: No degree or credential is “one and done;” Floridians need to prepare for career changes through continuous learning opportunities.
    6. Data-informed decision-making: Transparent access to data on education and economic outcomes help achieve our goals.
    7. Community collaboration: Working together with a shared vision, cross-sector community partnerships remove barriers for students, accelerate meaningful action, and ultimately build a resilient workforce improving the quality of life for their regions.

Launched in 2012, FCAN is built on the foundation of ENLACE Florida, a statewide network of higher education institutions devoted to improving college access and success for minorities and other students underrepresented in higher education.  Today, FCAN supports 18 community coalitions throughout the state called local college access networks that collectively represent over 700 organizations and institutions and 82% of the state’s population.

Florida College Access network is an independent, statewide organization hosted by the University of South Florida. FCAN is funded by grants, sponsorships, and donations from our supporters. Visit our DONATE page to learn how you can support our work. Learn more about what we do, the FCAN team, and our Board of Advisors.


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