Increasing Florida’s talent pipeline is vital for continued growth and economic prosperity, and the state aims to increase the percentage of working-age Floridians with degrees and workforce-relevant credentials to 60% by 2030.

To meet our upcoming workforce needs, Florida must be College Ready.

College Ready Florida is a series of four statewide initiatives aimed at supporting a college-going culture by helping students plan for their futures, navigate the college-going process, and access and complete a postsecondary education. These initiatives focus on students at all grade levels and place special emphasis on low-income and first-generation college students.

College Ready Florida Initiatives

Apply Yourself Florida

Apply Yourself Florida helps students complete college applications during the school day with the support of volunteers.

Florida FAFSA Challenge

The Florida FAFSA Challenge encourages students to complete applications for federal financial aid.

College Decision Day

College Decision Day celebrates a student’s academic goals and postsecondary plans.

Plan It Florida

Plan It Florida helps students graduate high school with a college or career plan.


How to Participate:

Sign up to be a host site.
Public high schools and community organizations like Local College Access Networks (LCANs), Boys and Girls clubs, YMCAs, and libraries can all host College Ready Florida events.

Stay in touch.
Receive updates from FCAN’s mailing list to learn more about upcoming opportunities.

Spread the word!
Share your stories on social media using the hashtags #PlanItFL, #ApplyYourselfFL, #FAFSAFL, and #DecisionDayFL.

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