Florida College Access Network is pleased to issue a call for presentation proposals for the 2018 Florida College Access Network Summit, to be held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando Hotel in Orlando, Florida, on May 10-11, 2018.
To ensure all Floridians are prepared to prosper in Florida’s dynamic and changing economy, change-makers are working to increase postsecondary opportunities for students in their communities. The 2018 Florida College Access Network Summit will spotlight innovations, best practices, and collaborative initiatives that are helping Floridians— especially those traditionally underrepresented in higher education— access and achieve a high-quality postsecondary degree or credential. In the spirit of promoting the conversation and resources among leaders, professionals, and practitioners in college access and student success, we host our annual summit to highlight evidence-based approaches, lessons learned from the field, and policy developments that influence student success.
Now in its 6th year, the Florida College Access Network Summit is the “go-to” event where education stakeholders from multiple sectors come together to network, learn, and be inspired about Florida’s future. The 2018 summit will include exceptional keynote speakers, breakout sessions on topics relevant to college access and student success, networking opportunities, and exhibitors demonstrating the latest tools and resources. We anticipate 300 attendees at the 2018 event.
In developing your presentation proposal, we encourage you to consider the needs and interests of a broad spectrum of attendees, including professionals in K-12 education, higher education (colleges, universities, and technical schools), non-profit service organizations, philanthropy, business, and government.
View a copy of the 2017 FCAN Summit program to see breakout sessions from the previous year.
Presentation Information
- All sessions are one hour in length.
- FCAN will not consider presentations that serve as a “sales pitch” of a product or service.
- Presentation rooms will have audio/visual equipment including computer, LCD projector, and screen.
- Rooms will also have podiums, microphones and panelist tables on risers at the front of the room.
- Presenters must submit PowerPoint slide decks and other materials for attendees two weeks before the event.
- Conference registration is required for all selected presenters at the early rate of $195.
- FCAN will formally notify you of proposal acceptance via email by December 1, 2017.
Preferred Criteria for Breakout Sessions
- Address one or more of the following categories: college access, affordability, postsecondary success, collective impact, career readiness/workforce development, measuring outcomes (research & data).
- Focus on traditionally underrepresented populations (i.e. first-generation or racial/ethnic minority students, adult learners).
- Focus on one or more postsecondary pathways, including technical and career education, two-year degrees, and four-year degrees.
- Feature tools, resources, and/or programs that are evidence-based and/or informed by data.
- Highlight collaborative work and partnerships across sectors and institutions (where applicable).
- Encourage ample audience interaction.
- Appeal to more than one sector/audience segment.
Click here to submit a proposal.
For questions about submitting a proposal, please contact Kimberly Lent at klent@floridacollegeaccess.org