~Students in Hillsborough County are invited to submit artwork showing how they’re preparing for college~
Tampa, FL- Florida College Access Network, Hillsborough Education Foundation, and Clear Channel Outdoor invite middle and high school students in Hillsborough County to submit artwork that shows how they’re preparing for college (See flyer attached). The KnowHow2GO Florida, billboard contest is part of the KnowHow2GO Florida college-readiness campaign. The winning design will be featured on billboards throughout the Tampa area. Artwork entries submitted must include the sentence: “My ________ will help me prepare for college.” For the contest, students are asked to fill in the blank with the skill that will most help them (e.g., “determination,” “focus” or “passion”) and create a drawing or photo that shows them putting that skill into action. Students can enter the contest by visiting www.KnowHow2GOFlorida.org. The contest deadline has been extended and runs through November 15, 2011. Contest winners will be announced November 21st. Contestants must be between the ages of 13 and 18 and attend middle and high school in Hillsborough County. For additional information, contest rules, and terms and conditions, please visit www.KnowHow2GOFlorida.org. The KnowHow2GO Florida Billboard Contest is supported by and produced in partnership with the Ad Council, American Council on Education, Clear Channel Outdoor, Florida College Access Network, and Hillsborough Education Foundation.