Scholarships are an important source of funds that help students reach their higher education goals.  Yet the traditional scholarship approach is often a headache for funding organizations and leaves students scrambling to find new scholarships each year.  Meanwhile, student needs continue to evolve and can include financial needs beyond academic ones to address life emergencies like car trouble, childcare and housing insecurity.  Finding solutions to these challenges are important in our collective efforts to help students complete their degrees.

Helios Education Foundation examined various nontraditional scholarship programs to produce Beyond Traditional Scholarships, a brief that identified domains categorizing innovative programs implemented in communities throughout the US.  On this webinar FCAN’s Kathy McDonald, assistant director of network partnerships is joined by Helios’ Paul Perrault, PhD, vice president and director of research and evaluation and Michelle Boehm, research and evaluation analyst, to explore how communities can rethink their scholarship models by leveraging what’s working in other regions.

In this session you will learn:

  • The challenges with traditional scholarships
  • The domains of innovative nontraditional scholarship models
  • How you can evolve your own scholarship programs to meet the changing needs of today’s student

Event Details:

Webinar: Scholarship Innovation:  How Funders and Communities are Meeting the Needs of Today’s Students

Date and Time: February 22 from 1 to 2 p.m.

Registration link

Learn More at the 2018 FCAN Summit:

The 2018 Florida College Access Network Summit will feature 30 breakout sessions, including one titled Innovative Scholarship Models: How Florida Philanthropy is Addressing the Needs of Today’s Students, led by members of the Florida Philanthropic Network. Michelle Boehm and Paul Perrault will also present a session titled, Examining Trends in College Persistence: Findings and Implications for College Success. To learn more about these sessions and to register for the summit, visit

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