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Florida College Decision Day

Florida College Decision Day aims to celebrate students’ plans for life after high school. The initiative is an adaptation of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Reach Higher initiative. Both initiatives are inspired by the NCAA’s National Signing Day, which celebrates students who have received athletic scholarships.

Host sites and communities typically hold Florida College Decision Day on or around May 1, which is the day that students must notify colleges that they plan to attend.

These events recognize all students for their post-secondary plans, whether they are planning on attending 4-year college, 2-year college, technical school, or the military.

To get started, register with FCAN!


College Decision Day Resources
Site Coordinator Resources

Get Involved!

  • Register as a College Ready Florida host site
  • Download the Introduction to College Ready Florida guide
  • Questions? Contact Adriana Pavicic, FCAN's Communications and Initiatives Manager

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