L to R: President and CEO of Broward Education Foundation James Knapp. Senator Rosalind Osgood (D-32), Brandon Agcaoili, Jahnee Smith, and Abigail Koester
FCAN’s Student Advocacy Fellowship program aims to provide Florida students the opportunity to engage with state policymakers while telling their stories related to policy efforts.
The fellowship held its third annual trip to Tallahassee earlier this year with the selected students being supported by FCAN’s community coalitions across Florida known as local college access networks (LCANs).
Based in Broward County, Bridge 2 Life (B2L) partnered with FCAN in the 23-24 Advocacy Fellowship program, mentoring students in education policy and facilitating meetings with legislators.

University student, Abigail Koester, advocated for a Universal FAFSA policy.
“In Tallahassee, my team and I from B2L met with policymakers to advocate for college and university access across the state for all Florida’s students. We met with several lawmakers and their staff to discuss the challenges that college students face across the state of Florida, specifically the student aid process and universal FAFSA,” said Abigail Koester, student at the University of Florida.
Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is an important step for students in the college and career planning process. A Universal FAFSA policy would ensure students complete the FAFSA or opt out of completing the financial aid application.
Unfortunately, not all students learn about FAFSA before enrolling in their institution of choice.

University student, Brandon Agcaoili, learned about FAFSA through a friend.
“It was three years after graduating high school when a friend told me about FAFSA, I applied, and realized that there was funding for me to attend college,” said Brandon Agcaoili, a University of South Florida student who currently serves in the Air National Guard at MacDill AFB.
Continuing to raise awareness on the FAFSA helps inform students of the various options available to fund their postsecondary education. As of June 2024, 36% of Florida students have completed a FAFSA.
“Teaming up with peers across the state of Florida to advocate for Universal FAFSA was the best part of this experience,” said Agcaoili.
The Advocacy Fellowship provides students with the skills to build relationships, collaborate, and effectively tell their story.
“Reflecting on my experiences, I’ve learned that the most important thing to remember about starting something new, particularly one that feels intimidating, is to simply start. Learning how to effectively share my story and advocate for things that I care about was a major skill that I gained from this fellowship, empowering me to continue to champion causes that are close to my heart,” said Koester.
Colleen Lockwood, B2L director, mentored the students throughout the group workshops hosted by FCAN.
“The FCAN Advocacy Fellowship is both a gateway and training ground for college students looking to become active in advocating for education legislation. It is a valuable means to provide cohort-based learning, personal development, and opportunities for college students and LCANs to make connections between public policy and their lived experience, grow their skills in advocacy, and recognize their own power to drive social change,” said Lockwood.
B2L drives transformative change by leveraging community and education resources to ensure high school and GED earners pursue education beyond high school, leading to workforce readiness and career success. They aim to eliminate barriers and create opportunities for student success through community collaboration among partners with shared interests in enhancing college access, completion, and postsecondary success.
“Observing the development of the student fellows was truly inspiring. With each meeting, they displayed a growing sense of confidence, culminating in their arrival in Tallahassee as empowered leaders ready to advocate for solutions that foster economic mobility and community prosperity,” said Lockwood.