It truly is an honor just to be nominated!
Florida College Access Network was recently nominated for the University of South Florida’s 2021-22 Student Success Awards, which honor those who have made exceptional contributions to USF’s student success movement.
There are seven Student Success Awards categories, and FCAN is nominated for the Innovation Award, which recognizes “individuals, teams, or units for outstanding contributions to improving student success and learning outcomes by developing and sharing new technologies, techniques, practices or programs that transform the student experience.”
FCAN leads the collaborative movement to ensure every Floridian achieves an education beyond high school and a rewarding career.
In May 2021, FCAN launched Cash for College, a FAFSA completion campaign that also aims to counteract the adverse effects of COVID-19 on college enrollment. Last fall, FCAN also partnered with various statewide organizations to host a pair of FAFSA Counselor Training sessions that resulted in more than 650 school counselors receiving in-depth training with the federal financial aid form.
“We consider this nomination a true honor because,” said Charleita M. Richardson, FCAN’s Executive Director. “Student success — and helping ensure that every student in Florida has the support they need to access and complete their education before moving on to their desired career — is at the heart of FCAN’s work.
Recipients will be recognized in April at USF’s virtual Student Success Awards Luncheon.