Miami Dade College was one of two schools in the entire country recently presented with the prestigious 2017 Leah Meyer Austin Award!
The national award honors efforts to improve student outcomes and was also presented to Pierce College District in Washington State. Achieving the Dream, a Maryland-based community college reform leader, sponsored the award along with The Kresge Foundation.
“Kresge partners with Achieving the Dream to help scale proven student success reform efforts to additional colleges and to help those schools make better use of their student data,” said Bill Moses, managing director of Kresge’s Education Program, in a statement. “We’re honored to sponsor and present these awards, which highlight high performing campuses each year. Seeing what they have accomplished reaffirms that this is a powerful national movement ensuring more low-income students gain the opportunity to graduate with a postsecondary degree.”
The Leah Meyer Austin Award — named for the former senior vice president for research and programs at Lumina Foundation for Education, and the current director of Achieving the Dream — includes a $25,000 prize.
Miami Dade College’s three-year graduation rate increased from 31 percent to 34 percent, including an improvement of six percentage points for male students. Florida CAN congratulates both schools, along with The Kresge Foundation and Achieving the Dream for promoting the improvement of student success!