At the recent “Beating  the Odds” Summit, First Lady Michelle Obama called upon high school and college-aged students to sign up for UP NEXT, a newly developed text messaging tool that provides students with the information and support they need to get to and through college successfully.

UP NEXT sends students free and personalized messages regarding the college search and application process, financial aid and student loan repayment. With UP NEXT students can rest assured they will cross the most important items off their college to-do list.

UP NEXT’s text messaging campaign is based upon research by Ben Castleman, an assistant professor at the University of Virginia, who is also leading the initiative. The text messages are an evidence-based strategy that has the potential to help millions of students across the country achieve a postsecondary education using nudges to help them reach important benchmarks throughout the process.

Educators, advisors and college access advocates who would like to spread the word about UP NEXT can download a promotional toolkit here.

For more information, read this article on the National College Access Network blog


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