As Florida leaders prepare for the 2019 legislative session and begin meetings in Tallahassee, FCAN is pleased to share its recap of the notable legislation from the 2018 session that stands to impact Florida college students.
Education reforms from the 2018 session included increased funding for the Bright Futures merit scholarship program and performance funding to the State University System. Other notable education bills signed into law related to changes to excess credit hour surcharges, postsecondary fee waivers, and school safety.
The 2019 Florida Legislative Session will begin March 5. As we did this past year, FCAN will provide periodic updates on legislation that could impact postsecondary education in Florida. FCAN wishes our state officials a productive legislative session that positively impacts Florida students for years to come!
2018 Florida Legislative Preview: Top issues impacting higher ed
2018 Florida Legislative Update: A month in, legislators debate major changes to state college and universities
2018 Florida Policy Update: Florida Constitution Revision Commission education proposals