Date:  November 27, 2018
Category:  Webinars
The most recent census data designate 30 of Florida’s 67 counties as rural. Roughly 5% of the state’s total population and 5% of the K-12 population live in these rural counties. There is a significant difference in degree attainment between rural and non-rural counties in Florida. Approximately 23% of rural adults hold an associate’s degree or higher — this compares to 40% of adults in non-rural counties.

FCAN’s Assistant Director for Research and Analytics, Kimberly Lent, was recently joined by guest presenters Dr. Jerry Johnson and Dr. Hobart Harmon, Co-Directors of the Institute for the Advancement of Research, Innovation, and Practice (ARIP-RE) at UCF, and Dr. Matthew Ohlson, Assistant Professor at UNF and Director of CAMP Osprey, for a presentation about best practices to support rural student postsecondary success.

CAMP Osprey Handout

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