Date:  November 15, 2018
Category:  Webinars
According to recent data, 60% of FAFSA filers in Florida were eligible for federal Pell grants, making Florida’s population the 3rd highest for the proportion of Pell-eligible students. Despite these high levels of eligibility, however, Florida ranks 31st in the nation for the proportion of eligible high school seniors completing a FAFSA. Because of this, Florida’s students leave behind over $100 million in potential Pell Grants every year.

FCAN’s Amy Bolick, Community Engagement and Programs Manager, was recently joined by Carrie Warick, Director of Policy and Advocacy at National College Access Network (NCAN), and Daniel Barkowitz, Assistant Vice President for Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs at Valencia College and President-Elect of the Florida Association for Student Financial Aid Administrators, who shared details about the past, present, and future of the Pell grant.

NCAN’s #Thankful4Pell Campaign
FCAN’s national FAFAS Completion Dashboard

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