Aug 19, 2021 | LCAN, News
As they re-imagined student supports in the wake of COVID-19, many schools and districts quickly realized they could potentially reach a lot more students in the virtual space than they could via traditional in-person offerings. “Using Zoom and some of this other...
Jun 14, 2021 | News, Research and Policy
The past year has shown us that technology and internet access are essential to modern-day education. Yet, a May report by the Institute of Higher Education Policy finds that access is not enough. Instead, many students with access often lack reliable internet and...
Apr 9, 2021 | News, Research and Policy
At the end of March, the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice released its #RealCollege 2021 report, which sheds more light on the situation over 200,000 college students faced during the fall 2020 semester. The report, which comes out several times a year,...