Click image to register for Florida FAFSA Challenge

Thanks to the U.S. Department of Education, information on the number of this school year’s Florida high school seniors who have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available!

FCAN has published a “First Look” data dashboard showing the number of seniors who have completed the FAFSA, by school, since October 1, 2022. This is the date that students could begin filling out the form for the 2023-2024 cycle. Statistics from the same time period during the previous year (2022-2023 cycle) are also included for reference.  Please note the following information:

  • This data includes the number of FAFSA completions only.
  • To protect student privacy, FCAN has filtered the results to only show schools with ten or greater FAFSA completions in either cycle (2023-2024 or 2022-2023).
  • FAFSA completion rates (percentages) will be available when enrollment figures are available near the end of the year.

Want to learn more about increasing FAFSA completions at your school or district?  Click here to join the Florida FAFSA Challenge, a statewide campaign that helps students fill out the FAFSA and qualify for financial aid programs like the Pell Grant.

To learn more about the Florida FAFSA Challenge and how your school can gain recognition, and possibly a trophy, visit our Florida Initiatives page for access to our toolkit, resources, email list and much more.

If you have any questions regarding the Florida FAFSA Challenge, contact Adriana Pavicic, FCAN’s community engagement coordinator.

If you have questions regarding the data or FCAN methodology, please contact Adam Lindberg, Director of Research and Policy, at


Challenge Accepted! The 2022-23 Florida FAFSA Challenge starts today!

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