Starting April 26th and continuing throughout the month of May, schools and communities from across the state celebrated high school seniors’ next educational steps in honor of the second annual Florida College Decision Day.
Over 1,200 College Decision Day celebrations occurred across the nation this year. Florida CAN is happy to announce over 70 of these celebrations, including two large-scale events hosted by the City of Miami and City of Orlando.
Florida College Decision Day, Florida’s adoption of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Reach Higher Initiative’s College Signing Day, recognizes high school seniors for their postsecondary plans and encourages all students to prepare early for college.
Florida CAN has created a Storify reel to share some of the inspiring Florida College Decision Day events from throughout the state. Using the hashtags #CollegeSigningDay and #ReachHigher, participating schools and communities shared photos on social media of soon-to-be-grads showing their collegiate pride.
Florida CAN applauds all schools and communities that inspired its students to reach higher and achieve a college education by hosting a college decision day event this year. We look forward to the continued celebration of Florida students’ postsecondary plans for years to come!
Click here to view the Storify reel for a collection of tweets and photos from those who participated.