Narrated by actor Blair Underwood, ‘First Generation’ follows four low-income students as they struggle to access college, revealing ways in which communities can mobilize to support youth.
Join us on Thursday, June 13 at 7:30pm for a screening, dinner and Q&A session with the stars of First Generation. Director Adam Fenderson and cast members Dontay Gray and Cecilia Lopez will field questions after the screening. The event is free to all registered participants of the 2013 Florida College Access and Success Summit which takes place the next day on Friday, June 14. Others who wish to see the movie and meal can attend for $10 ($5 students with ID).
To register for either the conference or movie, please click here.
For college students Dontay Gray and Cecilia Lopez, no one in their high school or families could ever explain how to fill out a FAFSA or apply to college. To make their award-winning documentary First Generation, filmmakers Adam and Jaye Fenderson followed Gray and Lopez over the course of three years. The movie reveals valuable lessons about how educators, policymakers and families can support first-generation students in obtaining college access and success. The film is narrated by Golden Globe nominee Blair Underwood. The Florida College Access Network will screen the award-winning documentary, followed by a Q&A with the film’s co-director Adam Fenderson and cast members, Dontay Gray and Cecilia Lopez. The event starts at 7:30pm at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel on Thursday, June 13.
The movie event is part of the 2013 Florida College Access and Success Summit which seeks to spark local collaboration and strengthen existing efforts aimed at improving college access and success. The statewide conference brings together 150 leaders from all sectors around an agenda to improve postsecondary access and success. The summit will help in the formation of local college access networks, focused on improving education attainment, that have already begun emerging across Florida.
The Florida College Access and Success Summit takes place on Friday, June 14 from 7:15am to 2:30pm at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel. It is open to leaders from all organizations and businesses interested in helping Florida increase the number of its residents who hold high-quality degrees and credentials to 60% by the year 2025. To register, click here or visit and click on the summit banner.
Florida College Access Network receives support from the Florida Department of Education, Helios Education Foundation, Lumina Foundation and the University of South Florida. For more information, please call communications specialist Casey Sanchez at (813) 974-8606 or by e-mail at