Florida College Access Network is now accepting student submissions for the “Dreaming of My Future” Selfie Exhibition.
Florida College Access Network (FCAN) is now accepting student submissions for the “Dreaming of My Future” Selfie Exhibition.
Through the theme “Dreaming of My Future”, FCAN invites 10th – 12th grade students to submit a photo of themselves to represent their college and career dreams. Our primary goal is to showcase the student perspective at FCAN’s 2024 Talent Strong Florida Summit inspiring attendees representing education supporters and champions across the state.
We encourage you to share this with the students you work with!
Submission Details:
- Theme: Dreaming of My Future – A Youth Selfie Exhibition
- Defining the Selfie: To participate, students should submit a photo of themselves to inspire and encourage summit attendees to continue their work helping students prepare for college and career access and success. It’s about encouraging and inspiring those who support students every day.
- Recognition: Selected photos will be showcased at FCAN’s 2024 Talent Strong Florida summit, May 8-10 in Orlando, Florida.
- Submission Deadline: April 15, 2024
- Open to students in 10th – 12th grade
- Acceptable media: Photo, drawing, painting, collage
- Students should submit their photo by the deadline to this Qualtrics survey. Include photo upload, student name and email, grade level, high school, and a brief description of student’s postsecondary goals.