High school counselors, students, and parents will soon be able to attend a college fair without having to spend a dime on gas money.

FloridaShines will host its Florida Virtual College Week Oct. 24-26. The three-day event offers a wide variety of live webinars, featuring experts in the areas of college and university admissions, scholarships, financial aid, and career planning.

FloridaShines is a service of the Florida Virtual Campus, a statewide provider of innovative educational services for Florida’s K-20 community. The speakers during Florida Virtual College Week represent a wide variety of institutions from the Florida College System, the State University System, and the Florida Department of Education.

The scheduled sessions are: (all times are Eastern Standard Time)

Oct. 24 (For high school counselors)

2 p.m. Counselors Guide to Graduation

4 p.m. Advising for Academic Success

5 p.m. Workforce Programs in the Florida College System

Oct. 25 (Open to all Florida high school students, parents, and educators)

3 p.m. Admissions into a University

4 p.m. First Things First

5 p.m. Bright Futures Scholarship Qualifications

6 p.m. College Athletics

Oct. 26 (Open to all Florida high school students, parents, and educators)

3 p.m. The Big Transition

4 p.m. Financial Aid is For You

5 p.m. How to Start Smart and Finish Strong

6 p.m. Survival Guide for Parents

To register for Florida Virtual College Week and for more information on each session, visit FloridaShines.


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