- Dr. Nasser Hedayat, AVP, Career & Workforce Education, Valencia College
- Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith, Florida House of Representatives, 49th District
- Melanie Stefanowicz, Associate Superintendent, Career and Technical Education, Orange County Public Schools
- Nick Ziehn, HVAC/R technician, Disney, and former Tech Express student
FCAN host: Charleita M. Richardson, Executive Director
On February 25, Florida College Access Network will release its research brief, Case Study: Tech Express to Valencia College, which highlights a partnership between institutions and local business to expand high-quality career and technical education (CTE) pathways to degrees.
Coinciding with the release of the case study, this webinar will give policymakers and decisionmakers an opportunity to hear more in-depth about the promising practices Tech Express offers for creating the skilled workforce needed for Florida’s economic growth.
Featuring representatives from Orange Technical College, Valencia College, a local legislator, and a Tech Express student, the panelists will showcase how Tech Express currently benefits its students, institutions, and local economy.
In this briefing you will learn:
- How collaboration benefits everyone involved in the Tech Express partnership, including local industry, community, both institutions, and students
- About a promising model to take students from technical school to community college exists in Florida
- How, often, articulation agreements aren’t enough to get students to transfer their credits between institutions – and guided pathways, with help from advisors, can make all the difference
Event Details
Webinar: Virtual Briefing: FCAN Tech Express Case Study
Date and Time: Thursday, February 25, 2021, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EST