FCAN understands that all Floridians need access to postsecondary education and the support to complete it, and mobilizing students to plan their futures takes great effort. In its second year, FCAN seeks to recognize innovators striving to help more students access and succeed in education beyond high school and prepare students of all ages, including adults, for the education and career that is right for them, especially in high-demand fields.
We offer two categories to recognize innovators:
1. College Ready Florida Innovator
2. Workforce Education Innovator
We invite you to nominate an innovator from your school, business, or community (including yourself!) who made impactful contributions and utilized innovative strategies to increase the effectiveness of any of FCAN’s College Ready Florida initiatives and/or strengthen workforce education in your community and beyond.

The 2019 winners of FCAN’s College Ready Florida Innovator Awards
College Ready Florida Innovator
Are you, a colleague, or community organization going above and beyond the call to support students’ college dreams? How are you increasing the effectiveness of any of FCAN’s College Ready Florida initiatives: Apply Yourself Florida, Florida FAFSA Challenge, Florida College Decision Day, and Plan It Florida? Are you exercising new strategies to support students with the college-going process? For instance, did you hold events in new locations, offer unique incentives, or leverage social media in a way that motivated more students to participate? Have you partnered with other organizations (schools, community organizations, non-profit agencies, local college access networks, higher education institutions, AmeriCorps, Campus Compact, banking institutions, etc.)? How have you increased the number of students:
- Applying to postsecondary education (CTE, college or university);
- Completing the FAFSA;
- Building a plan for life after high school;
- Celebrating postsecondary plans
Workforce Education Innovator
Are you, a colleague, community leader, or business going above and beyond to help Floridians access workforce training and education to achieve a rewarding career? Are you exercising new strategies to strengthen workforce education in your community or business? Are you helping address non-academic barriers so students can complete a credential?
Awardees will be honored at the 2020 FCAN Summit Awards Luncheon on May 13, 2020 in Kissimmee, FL. Nominations are due by 5 PM on Friday February 28, 2020.
Questions? Please contact LaVerne Handfield at lhandfield@floridacollegeaccess.org
To learn more about the 2020 FCAN Summit and to register, visit fcansummit.org. You can find sponsorship and exhibitor information here.
Registration is now open for the Florida College Access Network Summit: Better Together 2020
Sponsor and exhibitor opportunities available for the 2020 FCAN Summit
Visit FCAN’s Initiatives section to learn more about our College Ready Florida Initiatives