“Our session can be summed up in one word: hope.”
That succinct description is one of the highlights in the fourth installment of FCAN’s Summit Speaker Series, which gives a select group of presenters the opportunity to share information about their sessions prior to the 2018 Florida College Access Network Summit.
The latest podcast features Dr. Deborah Douma, Dean of Grants and Federal Programs at Pensacola State College; Jennifer Grove, Community Development Manager for Gulf Power Company; and Kimberly Krupa, director of Achieve Escambia, previewing their session, “Achieve Escambia: Data Driving Our Future!”
During their chat with FCAN, the trio talks about utilizing data as a way to illuminate education and workforce development issues, the different ways Escambia County’s various community leaders are collaborating, and much more. Click below to join the conversation.
Visit fcansummit.org for more information and to register for the 2018 FCAN Summit. You can also download and subscribe to the Florida College Access Network Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and the Google Play Music store.
Introducing FCAN’s Summit Speaker Series podcasts
Registration is now open for the 2018 Florida College Access Network Summit
Visit FCAN’s Podcast page