podFlorida College Access Network’s (FCAN) College Ready Florida Podcast debuted in August as a way of spotlighting the many tools and resources available to counselors and other educators interested in participating or learning more about FCAN’s initiatives.

During the first eight episodes, host Amy Bolick — FCAN’s statewide programs coordinator — offered an overview of our College Ready Florida initiatives and covered a different aspect of hosting or organizing an event, with an emphasis on Apply Yourself Florida festivities.

We have collected the first series of episodes here for your convenience, and we thank you for your support!

Episode 1: Introduction to Statewide Initiatives

Episode 2: Building a College-Going Culture

Episode 3: Forming a Planning Committee

Episode 4: Promoting the Event

Episode 5: Volunteers

Episode 6: Securing Donations

Episode 7: Preparing Students

Episode 8: Collecting Data

Schools and organizations can register to host events related to FCAN’s College Ready Florida initiatives by filling out this form.

Download and subscribe to the College Ready Florida Podcast on iTunesStitcher, and the Google Play Music store.


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