~Grant designed to facilitate the process for developing community-led college access and success strategy ~
Orlando, FL- Today the Florida College Access Network awarded a $10,000 college access planning grant to the local college access network—Central Florida C.A.N.! The one-time grant of up to $10,000 will cover costs associated with the network accessing a specific community’s college access need and designing an implementation plan for launching effective and sustainable college access and success programs through collective strategies. The Central Florida Urban League will serve as the fiscal agent and lead convener for the planning project. Organizations serving the communities in Central Florida recently came together in June to form a local college access network with a mission to expand college access and success programming to parents and students of Central Florida by leveraging existing network resources, talents, and expertise. Members of the network include the City of Orlando, University of Central Florida, Foundation for Orange County Public Schools, Valencia College, Hispanic Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs of Orlando,Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund of Metro Orlando, Legacy 105,FAMU College of Law, Professional Opportunities Program for Students (POPS), and the Central Florida Urban League. All local networks are part of a statewide effort to help meet future workforce demand by increasing the proportion of Florida residents who hold a postsecondary degree or credential to 60% by 2025.