by Troy Miller, Senior Researcher & Policy Analyst
Not sure about what options exist for students looking to earn college credit while in high school? Want an overview of the new Merit and Scholar high school diploma designations? Want to know who is eligible to pay in-state tuition rates in Florida?
Look no further than the newly released 2013 Education Fact Sheets for these answers and many more. This guide is created each year by the Education Committee of the Florida House of Representatives as a reference for legislators looking for current and concise information about the state’s statutes on educational matters ranging from pre-K and early learning to postsecondary education. Besides lawmakers in Tallahassee, this resource can be of great use to the broader education community. It’s not comprehensive, but the 231-page document highlights facts and figures of topics including developmental education, school accountability, digital learning and financial aid programs, among others.
If you still need to know more about the areas addressed in the Fact Sheets, check out the footnotes, where you’ll find statute citations and links to other helpful reports and technical papers.
You can view the 2013 Education Fact Sheets by following this link, as well as by visiting the official Florida House of Representatives Education Committee site, where updates for the 2014 session are posted.