The CRC meets once every 20 years to examine the Florida Constitution and propose changes for voter consideration. Proposals that are passed by the CRC will be placed on Florida’s General Election ballot on November 6, 2018 and must secure at least 60% voter approval to become law.
The proposals, submitted by the public and 37 appointed Commissioners, include amendments to the state constitution that relate to a variety of topics and interests important to Florida residents — including education.
FCAN recently released an overview of the nine active education proposals under consideration by the CRC.
On March 13 in St. Petersburg, the CRC will hold its final public hearing to learn about the issues that matter most to residents of the state before submitting its final report to the Florida Secretary of State by May 10, 2018.
Let your voice be heard! The meeting details can be found below and on
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
1 to 7 p.m. EST
University of South Florida – St. Petersburg
University Student Center
200 6th Ave S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
2018 Florida Policy Update: Florida Constitution Revision Commission Education Proposals
2018 Florida Legislative Update: A Month In, Legislators Debate Major Changes to State Colleges and Universities
2018 Legislative Preview: Top Issues Impacting Higher Ed