Do you work in a financial aid office? Ever filled out a FAFSA or help someone else complete one? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” Florida students need your help!

During the next couple months, over 40 CGS!Florida (College Goal Sunday) FAFSA completion events are set to take place at high schools, colleges and universities across the state. To ensure the success of these events, CGS! Florida is looking for volunteers with financial aid experience to help students and their families complete the FAFSA.

Don’t know how to complete a FAFSA? You can still help! CGS!Florida is also looking for volunteers passionate about college access to assist in other capacities, including registration, language translation, logistics and on-site tax support.

If you are interested in being a CGS!Florida volunteer, please complete this registration form. For more information on the volunteer opportunities available, click here.

CGS!Florida is a statewide initiative coordinated by the Florida Department of Education’s Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) to provide free, personalized help with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To learn more about OSFA, visit

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