FCAN’s Research Roundup is a monthly feature highlighting reports and projects related to student access and success that we think are worth sharing. You will also be able to find a link to this page in FCAN’s monthly newsletter. Happy reading!

1. A recent article in the journal New Directions for Community Colleges (2023) highlights the Florida College System’s (FCS) efforts to re-design math education through the Florida Student Success Center.  Many students are placed into an algebra-based math track, but math remains an impediment for students wishing to transfer into the FCS system or from the FCS system into four-year institutions.  Over the course of one year, a series of three interconnected workgroups representing diverse viewpoints made several policy and practical recommendations to redesign math education in a manner consistent with workforce needs.

2. College applications have surged in 2023, according to the Common App, a college application framework utilized by over 1,000 institutions of higher education in the United States.  “Distinct” first-year applicants rose 20% compared to pre-pandemic levels, including a 30% increase in “underrepresented minorities” and 35% increase in first-generation college students.  Although applications don’t necessarily equate to enrollment, this data could indicate that the “enrollment cliff” may be different than previously considered.

3. A new report from the National College Attainment Network (NCAN) estimates that the high school graduating class of 2022 left almost $3.6 billion (yes, with a “b” – billion!) dollars in Pell Grants on the table.  NCAN estimates that only 46% of Florida’s 2022 graduating class completed a FAFSA, the fourth-lowest in the country.  The class of 2022 left approximately $314 million dollars on the table in Florida.


FCAN Research Roundup — November 2022

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