Key takeaways from “Supporting Students from Foster Care and Homeless Settings with the Transition to Postsecondary Education”
Guest presenters: Steve J. Rios, Senior Director, Positive Pathways Program Jasmine Moore, College Coach, Educate Tomorrow Patrick Simon, President, Citrus County Coalition for College and Careers FCAN host: Adriana Pavicic, Community Engagement Coordinator Since...
Boosting Black Student Success is a Boost for Tampa Bay
by Paul Luna, President and CEO, Helios Education Foundation Across the Tampa Bay region, more than 345,000 students will start school this month. The new school year brings with it the shared hope, among everyone invested in the success of our schools and...
Diving deeper into “The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Education and Training Beyond High School in Florida”
DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF In 2019, Florida aimed for 60 percent of working-age Floridians to hold a workforce specialization, whether from a certificate, credential, training, or degree with the SAIL to 60 Initiative. Currently, Florida has yet to reach this goal, falling...